BOULDER, Colorado—The RNC divided up workspaces for each of the GOP presidential campaign staffs during Wednesday night’s GOP primary debate hosted by CNBC in Colorado—but the workspace for each campaign wasn’t quite equal, according to one Republican political consultant.

Chris LaCivita, a senior aide for Sen. Rand Paul (R-KY), took to Twitter to expose the varied spaces for different campaigns with “#thanksRNC” at the end of his posts.

He posted a photo of the workspace for Donald Trump’s campaign versus the area assigned to Paul’s staff.

It appears Paul has a restroom with a small dressing room, but Trump has a presidential suite.

LaCivita also posted on Twitter Carly Fiorina’s workspace, which allegedly has a jacuzzi.

He also posted a photo of what looks like a theater with leather recliners, “Check out Marco’s theater.”

Breitbart News contacted the RNC for comment about the differing room assignments but has not received comment.