CNBC Republican debate moderator John Harwood has entered the Dan Rather-phase of denial.


Although Harwood was caught outright lying  in a loaded question to Marco Rubio Wednesday night, the leftwing journalist has since taken to Twitter in a pathetic attempt to cover up his provable lie with more provable lies. 


Okay, let’s do that. Here’s the accusation Harwood hurled last night….

The Tax Foundation, which was alluded to earlier, scored your tax plan and concluded that you give nearly twice as much of a gain in after-tax income to the top one-percent as to people in the middle of the income scale. Since you’re a champion of Americans living paycheck to paycheck, don’t you have that backward?

And here is the final ruling from Scott Hodge, president of this very same Tax Foundation:

Just two weeks agor, Harwood himself acknowledged that the basis of his Rubio accusation wasn’t true:

Harwood lied and now he he’s lying to cover up his lies.

And this is just part of his problem. From all corners of the media his colleagues are blasting his biased questioning. Even his colleagues at NBC.