Sen. Marco Rubio (R-FL) tells the Republican Jewish Coalition (RJC) that “Our president has placed his own legacy” in the way of a strong America-Israel relationship.

Barack Obama’s foreign policy lacks “moral clarity,” Rubio said. Moral clarity means “our allies trust us and our adversaries respect us,” he added. Now, “our allies feel betrayed and our enemies feel emboldened.”

The Republican presidential contender lauded Israel for being “on the frontlines of our civilizational struggle against radical, apocalyptic Islam.” It is the true beliefs of “both Iran and the Islamic state,” he added, saying that both Iran and ISIS hate America for the same reason.

“For any time there is daylight between America and Israel, it emboldens our enemies to take action,” Rubio said. “Too many in Washington fail to understand this… they fail to see the connection between our national security and moral character.”

Rubio said it was unacceptable to let Israel face terrorism from jihadi entities without America having its back. Israel is “singled out relentlessly” by international actors that seek to undermine the Jewish State, Rubio said, adding that President Obama and his former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton have a policy of “abandonment.” They “take the path of least resistance,” he explained.

When Palestinian leadership rejects the existence of Israel, the President of the United States should condemn such commentary, but Obama says nothing to counter the incitement by Palestinians, Rubio said.

“Today anti-Semitism hides behind hatred of Israel,” Rubio said, promising to call out the motives of those who promulgate anti-Semitism.

Rubio condemned the BDS (Boycott, Divestment, and Sanctions) movement as a creation of the “radical left” that seeks to delegitimize the State of Israel. “Calling for the destruction of Israel is the same as calling for the death of Jews.”

The Republican Senator from Florida promised to “immediately shred” the Iran nuclear deal. “Upon taking office, I will reimpose the sanctions that President Obama plans to wave over congressional rejection.” He promised to “hold Iran accountable” for its arming of terrorist groups, such as Hezbollah and Hamas.

“Israel currently has no viable partner for peace,” Rubio revealed, describing how the Palestinian Authority rewards terrorists for engaging in acts of jihad, saying that terrorists are paid according to how many Israeli Jews they have killed.

“I reject those who say that Israel is an impediment to peace. There is no moral equivalence between Israel… and those who seek to destroy her,” he said.

Sen. Rubio, like fellow Republican nominee Sen. Ted Cruz, pledged to move America’s embassy in Israel from Tel Aviv to Jerusalem, Israel’s capital city.

Rubio discussed his pro-Israel record, and how he recently passed sanctions against the Shiite terror group Hezbollah, has continued to put the pressure on the Iranian regime, and has pushed the Palestinian Authority to reject Hamas.

Israel inspires him because they “have stood by our nation issue after issue” in the United Nations.

“Let our nations stand as beacons of light in an ever darkening world,” Rubio concluded to a standing ovation at the Ronald Reagan building in Washington, D.C.