“Meet the Press” spent an hour last month comparing Republicans to Nazis. CNN has compared us to anti-Semites refusing Jewish refugees fleeing Nazi Germany. The Washington Post has likened Ted Cruz’s 4 and 7 year-old daughters to monkeys. Apparently, that was just the warm up for a season of mainstream media demagoguery and hate speech because the New Hampshire Union Leader is now comparing Donald Trump to a murderer.

In an editorial published Sunday, publisher Joseph McQuaid writes,  Trump “reminds us of the grownup bully ‘Biff’ in the ‘Back to the Future’ movie series.”

Everyone knows that the “grownup bully Biff” is a cold-blooded murderer who abuses women. When we meet the grownup Biff in “Back to the Future II ” he has already murdered the father of Marty McFly (Michael J. Fox) and physically and mentally abuses Marty’s mother. Moreover, the “grownup bully Biff” then attempts to murder Marty.

The impotent rage of the elite media always reveals who these people really are: bigots, bullies, crybabies, and screamers — hate-filled demagogues of the first order.

The same mainstream media that scold the GOP and Trump over “rhetoric” is infinitely worse in that regard, and every other.

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