CHARLESTON, South Carolina — GOP presidential candidate Carly Fiorina exclusively tells Breitbart News that Hillary Clinton should release all of her medical records.

‘I think at the very least she ought to release all of her medical records,” Fiorina told Breitbart News before the GOP primary debate in Charleston, South Carolina on Thursday. “And her health is clearly a legitimate topic of conversation and concern.”

Fiorina’s comments come after medical professionals and security officials have recently raised concerns over the former Secretary of State’s health and ability to serve as President of the United States.

In 2012, Clinton fainted and suffered a concussion. News reports during that time also reveal she had a blood clot.

Nationally syndicated television and radio host Dr. Drew Pinsky also weighed in on Clinton’s health, raising concerns about the “sophistication” of the healthcare Clinton is receiving based on the health statement Clinton touts on her campaign website.