Fox News Channel host Greg Gutfeld argued that “We often mock President Obama for whining about Fox News” and that since this is what GOP presidential candidate Donald Trump is doing “It’s hypocritical” not to mock Trump for doing what Obama does on Tuesday’s broadcast of “The Five.”

Gutfeld began by jokingly suggesting that the primaries and election be cancelled and Trump just named president in an effort to avoid getting sued.

He continued, “Last night Trump told Hannity that two FNCers, Steve Hayes and Karl Rove, they said they should go. Get lost. So do Trump backers know they might be ushering in a second boss, one who thinks he can fire you like a mouthy apprentice, or reward you with a pat on the head on Twitter? He like a baseball team owner who also wants to coach, but who also attracts fans. Like David Duke, and now anti-Semite Louis Farrakhan, who also gave Trump odd praise. Now, maybe this is not Trump’s fault but he’s truly a unifier, getting white and black racist leaders to agree on one thing, him. Not to mention the Democrats. A new CNN poll shows both [Democratic candidate Senator] Bernie [Sanders] (I-VT) and Hillary beating Trump in the general. Are Republicans about to elect a loser? Who knows? But least we can say it felt great.”

Gutfeld later added, “By the way, we have to point out. We often mock President Obama for whining about Fox News. So isn’t that what Trump’s doing? Shouldn’t we be mocking him for doing the same thing?” After a pause that was met with silence at the table, Gutfeld said, “I know. It’s hypocritical if we don’t.”

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