Hillary Clinton’s top aides raised the alarm after a source in the State Department informed them that the New York Times was aware of her use of a private email account for government business.

“State just called to tell me that Mike Schmidt seems to have what appear to be summaries of some of the exchanges in the 300 emails the committee has,” Clinton press secretary Nick Merrill wrote in an email to top aides, including Cheryl Mills and Huma Abedin.

Merrill warned that Schmidt, a New York Times reporter, had knowledge of emails from Hillary Clinton to Mills and her foreign policy aide, Jake Sullivan, on private email accounts.

“It appears that he does not have the email but that someone, likely from the committee, is slipping him cherry-picked characterizations of the exchanges,” Merrill wrote.

Jennifer Palmieri, Clinton’s communications director, reacted strongly to the news, accusing Benghazi committee chairman Trey Gowdy of leaking information to reporters.

“This is no bueno. This is some kind of bullshit,” she wrote. “If Gowdy is doing selective leaks, we are in very different kind of warfare.”

WikiLeaks published the email as part of the organization’s ongoing leaks of Clinton campaign chairman John Podesta.