President Bill Clinton told a group of supporters that he knew there were sexist men who wouldn’t vote for his wife for president, simply because she was a woman.

“I know there’s a bunch of guys that are upset about having a woman president, they just don’t want to fess up to it,” Clinton said during a rally in Colorado.

He urged men to drop their opposition, pointing to his own life as an example of how great it could be.

“Take it from me, you’ll get used to it in a hurry. It’ll be good,” he said.

Clinton reminded the audience that his working grandmother helped raise him while his mother got a degree in nursing so she could support him as a child.

He then referred to his wife Hillary, his daughter Chelsea, and his granddaughter Charlotte.

“Then there’s my working wife, and my working daughter, and my already pretty pushy two-year-old granddaughter,” he laughed. “It’s all good man, you want someone sharing the load.”

He urged men to drop their inhibitions over letting a woman take charge.

“We’ll get over it guys, it’ll be ok, and you know they’ll work on the weekends, and we’ll have more time to watch football,” he said.

As the audience laughed, Clinton clarified that he was joking.

“I’m joking, we are stronger together,” he concluded, asking everyone to vote for his wife.