A Wisconsin family of six is being forced to move after angry strangers have come to their door threatening them because of the Nazi flag their duplex neighbors put up as a way to protest President Trump.

Someone took a photo of the the two-story Oshkosh duplex last Saturday and put it on social media, where the photo quickly went viral and drew outrage, Fox News reported.

Rosangela Diaz, a mother of four, said she did not know about the flag until she she saw a post on Facebook about it.

Her neighbor, who has not been identified, said he flew the flag to make a “political statement” against Trump.

Diaz, who is Hispanic and whose husband is black, has been threatened ever since the flag went up.

She said that people have been threatening to burn down their home and that someone slashed their tires.

“We’ve had people knocking on our door. Two men approached my kids on the street. I can’t get out of here fast enough,” Diaz told Fox News.

Diaz said she plans on moving because she is scared of what will happen to her family.

“We are going to look at a few places,” she said. “I don’t care what any of them look like. We have to leave.”

Diaz’s neighbors told WGBA that their intention was to make a political statement, and that they were merely exercising their “constitutional right to free speech.”

However, they also acknowledged that their statement went too far.

“We are very sorry for the extreme misunderstanding of our actions and we would like to let people know that we meant no disrespect,” the statement said.

Diaz’s landlord, Schwab Properties, is allowing the family to break their lease without a penalty or move to another Schwab property in another part of town.

Diaz created a GoFundMe page that raised $2,942 in donations as of Saturday afternoon to relocate her family and pay her attorney’s fees.

She says she plans to sue the person who posted her address on Facebook.

The FBI and local police are investigating the threats against the family but declined to comment on specifics.

Diaz told Fox News that someone replaced the Nazi flag with another flag.

“I went outside today,” she said on Thursday, “and saw that someone had hung a peace flag.”

A San Francisco homeowner’s attempt to fly the Nazi flag in protest of Trump failed once neighbors confronted him. He then replaced the flag with a California Pride flag.