The U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops (USCCB) blasted President Trump’s decision to end DACA (in six months) as “reprehensible” on Tuesday.

In a strongly worded statement that expresses zero compassion for those negatively affected by this unconstitutional amnesty program and even less concern for the rule of law, the USCCB — which only benefits from the flood of illegals — shamelessly virtue-signaled in ways that could teach even CNN’s Jake Tapper a thing or two:

The cancellation of the DACA program is reprehensible. It causes unnecessary fear for DACA youth and their families. These youth entered the U.S. as minors and often know America as their only home. The Catholic Church has long watched with pride and admiration as DACA youth live out their daily lives with hope and a determination to flourish and contribute to society … This decision is unacceptable and does not reflect who we are as Americans. …

As people of faith, we say to DACA youth – regardless of your immigration status, you are children of God and welcome in the Catholic Church. The Catholic Church supports you and will advocate for you.

That national media, of course, love this and  have temporarily uspended their desire for a separation between church and state to laud the USCCB — at least until the USCCB releases a statement about abortion or homosexuality.

Anyway, as a practicing Catholic I am more than willing to call this statement out for the BS it is.

On every other issue, including homosexuality and abortion, the Church shows enormous compassion and tolerance for the sinners, for those caught on the other side of the issue. As well they should. And that is one of the reasons I admire my Church.

But on the issue of illegal immigration, the Church is not only dead wrong, they are too often strident, preachy, single-minded, insulting, and prideful.

In a country like America, where atheism and the nonsense defined as spirituality are on the rise, the rising Hispanic population represents a lifeline to the Church. Which is fine. I happen to be married to one of those lifelines. But to couch law-breaking as scripture, to fig-leaf DACA as only virtuous and beautiful and noble and Christian, to ignore the other side of this misguided policy, which also has a human consequence when it comes to jobs, wages, and crime, is in and of itself a reprehensible act on the USCCB’s part.

At least from where I sit, this to me is my Church selling a piece of its soul, selling out my country, violating the rule of law, pandering to a special interest, all in  cynical effort to boost its number of customers.

This is especially galling coming from a faith headquartered in a city completely surrounded by mighty walls, fences, and manned checkpoints.

If the Catholic Church wants to lead by example, it will start by tearing down the walls surrounding Vatican City. We all know what the consequence would be, the destruction of that of that ancient city. But maybe that would be a good thing. Maybe in the aftermath the Church would have a little empathy and show a little compassion for the countless victims of illegal immigration.

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