Job Creators Network’s national bus tour held a massive rally in Tulsa, Oklahoma, Tuesday as part of its newly launched campaign for tax cuts.

The day began with an event in Oklahoma City, where small business owners, tax reform advocates, and local leaders joined Job Creators Network organizers for the group’s TaxCutsNow campaign. Tuesday’s stop in Tulsa was a rowdy rally for tax reform.

The organization is urging Americans to sign its tax cut petition, and watch and share videos by small business advocates explaining why tax cuts are needed. Job Creators Network’s weeklong campaign is meant to pressure Congress to pass a tax cut bill by Thanksgiving.

              Job Creators Network nationwide TaxCutsNow bus tour stop in Tulsa, Oklahoma.

On Tuesday Job Creators Network President and CEO Alfredo Ortiz praised President Donald Trump’s commitment to pushing Congress to pass tax reform, saying it proves the president “will do whatever it takes to give hardworking Americans, and particularly small business owners, the break they deserve.”

“This is not a partisan issue and all members of Congress should want to cut taxes for their constituents. I talk with small business owners across the country AND regardless of political party they want lower taxes,” Ortiz said in a statement. “The President’s actions will lead to job creation AND higher wages, and WILL continue to grow our economy. President Trump means business, and I am proud to stand with him during this time.”

Job Creators Network recently launched its multimillion dollar advertising blitz, featuring talk radio and television commercials, and social media ads to encourage tax reform.

The bus tour will continue Wednesday with a scheduled event in Louisville and Frankfort, Kentucky and then in Blacksburg, VA. The bus tour will conclude with a “15% on the 15th Rally” in Washington, D.C., on September 15, where legislators, several trade associations and headlined by economist Stephen Moore.

Job Creators Network has featured advertising on Breitbart News Network regarding TaxCutsNow.

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