President Donald Trump’s nominee to head the Department of Homeland Security led a business-dominated committee at the World Economic Forum which insisted that Europe had no choice but to accept a huge wave of unskilled migrants from poor, conflict-wracked countries.

“The key policy issue confronting Europe is not whether to accept forced migrants but rather how to turn the associated challenges into opportunities,” said the 2016 report by Kirstjen Nielsen’s committee, titled “Global Agenda Council on Risk & Resilience.”

The business leaders, political advocates, and bureaucrats in Nielsen’s group recommended that security risks and economic turmoil be pushed aside to focus primarily on the benefits of cheap labor.

“Reframing the discourse surrounding refugees from one of risk to one that recognizes the substantial social and economic contribution they can make to their host societies is increasingly important in light of the current largescale influx of migrants into Europe,” the report urged.

Nielsen’s background and her role on the committee give no indication that she supports Trump’s “Buy American, Hire American” economic-nationalist and civic agenda.

“Why would she be put in charge of Homeland Security,” NumbersUSA’s Rosemary Jenks asked Breitbart News.

“A lot of Kirstjen Nielsen’s background, including her position in this report, indicates clearly she doesn’t support Trump’s immigration agenda,” Jenks said.

The members of Nielsen’s committee is a long list of globalist executives, all of whom gain from the continued flow of cheap, foreign workers and welfare-aided, consumer migrants into the U.S. and Europe. They include:

The report recommended that Western governments resign themselves to mass immigration, and resolve to spend a huge amount of taxpayer funds to mitigate the resulting conflict, to help migrants compete against citizens for jobs and training slots, to help migrants buy products from companies, and to shift social status from citizens to the migrants:

Change the narrative on refugees’ impact in host countries: Active steps should be taken to reframe the discourse on refugees from one of risk to one that also recognizes the substantial social and economic contribution they can make to their host societies. The importance of increasing resilience by conceptualizing support for refugees, particularly support for integration, as an investment for tomorrow, rather than as a cost for today (or, for that matter, a form of charity), cannot be overemphasized, as citizens, confronted by conflict and persecution, will continue to flee their homes, and the unprecedented rate at which they are doing so poses critical challenges and risks to even the most socially and economically stable host countries.

Invest early in facilitating social and economic integration: Host countries should reform social policies and make financial investments to make it easier for refugees and asylum-seekers to seek employment and access training and education. Positive resilience outcomes for refugees are inevitably linked to conducive institutional frameworks and investment in the resources required to support the integration of refugees and address and minimize the initial barriers they face. Strategies need to focus on ensuring that sufficient financial, social and policy/political support are available to facilitate refugees’ safe and dignified arrival and integration, enabling them to harness their skills and potential and become contributing members of the countries in which they seek asylum.

Foster public–private partnerships to support refugees’ integration into society: Public-private partnerships are critical to facilitate refugees’ entry into the labour market and help mitigate risks related to job shortages, unemployment and social tensions. This includes developing initiatives to cut the time refugees and asylum-seekers must wait before becoming employed; increasing access to vocational training, internships and educational grants; and providing tailored support to ensure that children and adolescents receive sufficient educational and vocational training to facilitate their integration and ultimate entry into work.

The report by Nielsen’s group pushed the supposed economic benefits that foreign refugees have brought to Europe and the U.S., without mentioning the social, criminal, and economic costs imposed by mass immigration and civic diversity onto lower-status European and American communities.

In Berlin, Germany, for instance, nearly half of crimes are committed by foreign migrants, with Breitbart London reporting:

The proportion of crimes carried out by immigrants rose to 45 per cent last year, a five per cent increase from 2015, when they comprised 40 per cent of crimes committed in the German capital.

According to Berliner Morgenpost, which reported on the data before a longer version of the city’s crime statistics is published, the figure includes tourists, and “traveling gangs” who specialise in burglaries and pickpocketing.

Foreigners were particularly overrepresented in the figures for certain crimes, according to the statistics, which showed non-German suspects in 91 per cent of pickpocketing offences, 85 per cent of crimes related to heroin trafficking, and 80 per cent of car thefts.

Economically, the mass migration into Western Europe has strained the pockets of Europeans. For example, in Germany, more than 500,000 migrants now receive some form of taxpayer-funded welfare, while in neighboring Austria, the migrant unemployment rate is nearly 25 percent.

In Sweden, economic elites have even suggested that the country lower wages and job requirements, just so that foreign migrants can get jobs, despite the negative impact the move would have on Swedish workers, Breitbart London reported.

The report claimed economic benefits from importing unskilled, unproductive, welfare-dependent people, even though government normally spends a huge amount of taxpayer dollars trying to teach young people skills so they can be productive workers who do not need welfare.

But companies do gain extra consumers and extra revenues whenever new people—including unskilled migrants—are moved into a local community.

“Economic analysis from Cleveland in the United States indicates that in 2012 the economic impact of resettled refugees was approximately $48 million, about 10 times greater than what refugee services agencies spent on refugee services ($4.8 million),” the report claimed.

Foreign refugee resettlement to the U.S. continues to be costly for American taxpayers. Refugees are estimated to cost taxpayers $4.1 billion in 2017, most of which is spent on businesses serving the new migrants. Even if Trump were to shut down all refugee flow to the U.S., the refugees already living in the country would spend billions of taxpayer dollars at their local retailers, rental units, and gas stations.

Breitbart News reported:

Even if the Trump administration were to entirely shut down the flow of refugees into the United States in FY 2018 and beyond, the refugees who have already arrived in the country will cost at least another $3.5 billion in 2018, and about $2 billion to $3 billion annually thereafter until FY 2022 and beyond.

For Germany, which has accepted the largest number of migrants, Nielsen’s group claimed mass migration to the European Union (EU) powerhouse was absolutely necessary for economic growth, an argument most commonly made by multinational corporations and the cheap, foreign labor lobby.

“For example, new analysis pertaining to Germany illustrates that, without immigration, labour scarcity and an ageing population will more than halve the country’s economic growth over the next 10 years, potentially jeopardizing social security systems,” the report stated.

“Estimates indicate that Germany will have received over 800,000 asylum seekers in 2015, although numbers are considered uncertain,” the report stated. “If this continues, based on current trends (and assuming related factors do not change), it could potentially halt the decline in economic growth, raise employment levels and stabilize social security systems.”

Nielsen’s group report, though, did not mention that Germany’s open door immigration policy for foreign refugees could potentially cost the country’s taxpayers €30 billion a year, with the cost of teachers, schools, language courses and housing all being greatly impacted due to the migration crisis.

In 2017, the World Economic Forum also listed the attributes that Europeans need to prosper in the highly competitive economy amid the growing population of unskilled migrants. In comparison to the 2015 list, the 2020 list of attributes dropped “quality control” but included “emotional intelligence” and “cognitive flexibility.”

As Breitbart News reported, Nielsen’s nomination to head DHS has been praised by the cheap foreign labor lobby, open borders advocates, and the Washington, D.C. national security establishment which allied itself with the failed “Never Trump” movement during the 2016 presidential election.

Also, Breitbart News reported on Nielsen’s involvement with the Bush administration’s response to Hurricane Katrina in 2005, when more than 30,000 illegal aliens and foreign workers were able to come to the U.S. to take American blue-collar jobs that those devastated by the natural disaster had hoped to get.

Following Hurricane Katrina, 1.5 million Americans were displaced by the storm, and easing of labor laws by the Bush administration left many looking for work outside of the Gulf Coast since illegal aliens and foreign workers quickly dominated the paid clean-up effort.

John Binder is a reporter for Breitbart News. Follow him on Twitter at @JxhnBinder.