The number of abortions performed worldwide in 2018 crossed the one-million mark Wednesday, according to statistics published by the World Health Organization (WHO).

A website called “worldometers” keeps a running record of data related to everything from demographics to economics, and also provides a continuously updated total for abortions performed in the calendar year. As of this writing, the number of abortions for 2018 stood at 1,088,770.

Worldometers’ counter on abortions is based on the latest statistics on worldwide abortions published by WHO. According to WHO, there are an estimated annual 40-50 million abortions in the world, which corresponds to approximately 125,000 abortions performed each day.

In the United Stated, some 3,000 abortions are carried out every day, meaning that more than one in five pregnancies in the U.S. (22 percent) end in abortion.

Currently, abortion is the leading cause of death in the United States, followed by heart disease, cancer, and lower respiratory disease. Abortions account for over 900,000 U.S. deaths each year, while some 614,000 die from heart disease and 592,000 from malignant neoplasms in the most recent statistics.

Abortions in the United States disproportionately target the black population, with black children aborted at nearly four time the rate of white children. This means that by functional standards, abortion is a racist institution, regardless of the intent of the abortion industry.

Among white women in the U.S., there are 138 abortions for every 1000 live births, whereas among blacks, there are 501 abortions for every 1000 births. Blacks are therefore aborted at 3.6 times the rate of whites and more than half of all black deaths in the U.S. are the result of abortion.

According to the Centers for Disease Control (CDC), between 2007 and 2010, nearly 35.4 percent of the deaths by abortion in the United States happened to black babies, despite the fact that blacks represent only 12.8 percent of the population. Conversely, non-Hispanic whites, who make up 63.7 percent of America’s population, account for only 37.7 percent of all U.S. abortions.

Even in its origins, the abortion movement, spearheaded by the Planned Parenthood Federation, has been no friend to blacks, despite their official propaganda to the contrary.

Margaret Sanger, founder of Planned Parenthood, the nation’s largest abortion provider, was a notorious racist and eugenicist, and worked tirelessly to reduce the black population. As part of the eugenics movement in the 1930s, Sanger thought that abortion could effectively cull “inferior races” from the human gene pool.

Sanger selected inner cities with a high concentration of minorities as the sites for her first abortion clinics, and still today, 79 percent of Planned Parenthood’s abortion facilities are located in black or minority neighborhoods.

Planned Parenthood’s research and propaganda arm, the Guttmacher Institute, was named after former Planned Parenthood president Alan Guttmacher, who was also Vice-President of the American Eugenics Society.

Guttmacher was an advocate of coercive population control, and believed that to achieve a significant reduction of the black population while avoiding accusations of racism, the involvement of the United Nations was indispensable.  “My own feeling,” he said in an interview in 1970, “is that we’ve got to pull out all the stops and involve the United Nations.”

“If you’re going to curb population, it’s extremely important not to have it done by the damned Yankees, but by the UN. Because the thing is, then it’s not considered genocide. If the United States goes to the black man or the yellow man and says slow down your reproduction rate, we’re immediately suspected of having ulterior motives to keep the white man dominant in the world. If you can send in a colorful UN force, you’ve got much better leverage,” Guttmacher said.

Planned Parenthood has continued to employ Guttmacher’s strategy, using the United Nations to pressure nations to legalize abortion and selecting black women as its spokespersons to conceal its latent racism.

On the political scene, despite the unusually high number of abortions performed on black children, blacks overwhelmingly continue to support the Democratic Party, whose platform explicitly endorses abortion.

Although the Republican Party was founded in 1854 as a coalition opposed to the institution of black slavery in America, the black community switched its allegiance during the Great Depression, becoming more and more closely allied to the Democratic Party, and this partnership was galvanized during the Civil Rights movement of the 1960s. Since 1980, African Americans have backed Democratic candidates overwhelmingly in presidential and congressional elections, averaging about 88 percent support.

By their seemingly unbreakable alliance with the Democrat Party, however, black leadership continues to uphold an institution responsible for more deaths among its constituency than any other.

The Reverend Clenard H. Childress has called this phenomenon “black genocide,” building a national ministry around its exposure. Childress cites an estimate that since 1973 black women in America have had some 16 million abortions, without which America’s black community would now number 52 million persons.

As a 2015 Wall Street Journal article concluded: “[I]f liberal activists and their media allies are going to lecture America about the value of black lives, the staggering disparity in abortion rates ought to be part of the discussion.”

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