A Capitol Hill intern who yelled, “Mr. President, fuck you!” during President Trump’s visit to the Capitol Rotunda last Tuesday has been suspended but not fired from her position.

The intern, who works in Sen. Maggie Hassan (D-NH)’s office, has reportedly been identified as 21-year-old Caitlin Marriott, Fox News reported.

After the intern’s outburst, congressional authorities spoke with Marriott to determine if she was a threat, then decided not to take any further action.

Fox News reported that Marriott will remain in her position through August but will be limited to performing her duties at Hassan’s third-floor office in the Hart Senate Building.

A spokesperson for Hassan’s office confirmed that instead of being fired, the intern received a one-week suspension and lost her congressional intern ID badge allowing her access to the Capitol.

Hassan’s spokesman, Aaron Jacobs, said:

We are aware of the situation and have taken disciplinary action, including a one-week suspension and revoking her Congressional intern ID badge (thereby restricting her access to the Capitol), in response to her breach of office policies regarding respectful and appropriate conduct. We also facilitated contact with Capitol Police.

Before Trump visited the Capitol last Tuesday, a group of interns gathered behind several Capitol Police officers and Secret Service agents on the Senate side of the Capitol Rotunda. When the president’s entourage walked into the Capitol, the intern cursed at Trump shortly before he entered House Speaker Paul Ryan’s (R-WI) office:

Trump traveled to the Capitol to discuss immigration with GOP lawmakers. Many congressional Democrats have called upon the public to harass the Trump administration.

Rep. Maxine Waters (D-CA) said Saturday she has “no sympathy” for Trump administration officials who are harassed at restaurants, department stores, and gas stations, and she urged the public to “resist” Trump.

Waters doubled down on her comments in a press conference on Monday, addressing reports about White House press secretary Sarah Huckabee Sanders, who was asked to leave a Virginia restaurant because she works for President Trump.