Elaine Parker of Job Creators Network writes in the Washington Examiner about another national shopping day following the Thanksgiving holiday – Small Business Saturday – that creates a huge economic boon for the 30 million small businesses across the country. 

While holiday turkey and time with family are at the forefront of many minds across the country this weekend, Americans shouldn’t overlook another holiday that follows closely after Thanksgiving. Small Business Saturday is a nationwide event, taking place on Nov. 24, that encourages shoppers to visit local small businesses as part of the holiday gift hunt.

Since Small Business Saturday was launched in 2010, American Express estimates that $85 billion dollars has been spent during this holiday at small businesses — which averages to well over $10 billion on the day every year.

The sheer size of the small business community makes the group an economic powerhouse. There are over 30 million of them across the country, and they employ 60 million people — which is roughly half the entire U.S. workforce. Not to mention these small business entrepreneurs are responsible for two-thirds of all new job creation in the country.

Read the rest of this editorial here.