President Donald Trump spoke to members of law enforcement on Wednesday, ripping the “radical left” and the “fake news” for attacking their profession.

The president spoke at the Major County Sheriffs and Cities Chiefs Association Joint Conference in Washington, DC, vowing to continue supporting law enforcement.

“You have no idea how much the American people love and respect you. You don’t hear it. You probably don’t hear it too much when you have to read it, from the fake news,” Trump said, sparking laughter from the audience. “But they love you.”

The president called out Democrats like Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez who campaigned on criticizing Immigrations and Customs Enforcement (ICE).

“Despite their heroic public service, ICE and border patrol are subjected to relentless partisan attacks from those on the extreme edge of the political spectrum,” Trump said. “It’s called the radical left. They’re going further and further left all the time and that’s not good.”

The president again vowed to build a wall on the Southern border, promising to review the proposed “compromise” by Congress.

“As we review the new proposal from Congress, I can promise you this, I will never waiver from my sacred duty to defend this nation and its people,” Trump said. “We will get the job done.”

Trump insisted he would continue building the wall despite unprecedented obstruction to his proposal from the radical left.

“You’re going to have to be in extremely good shape to get over this one,” Trump said, referring to the wall. “They would be able to climb Mount Everest a lot easier, I think.”