Sen. Elizabeth Warren (D-MA) reportedly raised $19 million in the second quarter, despite the absence of fundraisers, her campaign announced Monday.

Warren’s campaign raised $19.1 million in the second quarter– a huge jump from the $6 million raised in the first quarter. Impressively, the campaign successfully raised $19 million without the help of formal fundraisers. The money came from 384,000 individual donors with each donation averaging $28, the Hill reports.

“To sum it up: We raised more money than any other 100% grassroots-funded campaign. That’s big,” Warren campaign manager Roger Lau wrote.

“You sent a message that Elizabeth’s vision for the future is worth fighting for. And you showed the rich and powerful that change is coming – sooner than they think,” he added.

Warren’s second-quarter haul far exceeds Sen. Kamala Harris’s (D-CA), who experienced a surge after her first debate performance last month. Her campaign reported $12 million in the second-quarter, although her campaign announced that she raised $2 million from 63,277 donors just 24 hours following her first debate performance. Over half of those were new donors.

Mayor Pete Buttigieg (D) tops the field, raising $24.8 million from 294,000 donors in the second quarter. Early frontrunner Joe Biden (D) reportedly raised $21.5 million, and Vermont Sen. Bernie Sanders (I) fell behind Warren, raising $18 million in the second quarter, with an additional $6 million coming from another account.

President Trump and the Republican National Committee raised a massive $105 million in the second quarter, it was announced last week. The president reportedly raised a stunning $24.8 million in the 24 hours following his official reelection campaign announcement.

The final fundraising totals are due to the Federal Election Commission (FEC) next Monday, July 15.

The current Real Clear Politics average has Warren in a tight battle for a top tier spot with 13.8 percent support, following Biden (26 percent), Harris (15.2 percent), and Sanders (14 percent).