Donald Trump Jr. urged his four million Twitter followers to protect seven-year-old James Younger amid fears that his non-biological mother will force the Texas boy to become a “transgender” girl.

The “transition” process for children typically includes the dressing as members of the opposite sex in schools and among friends.

More importantly, a growing number of young boys and girls are being put on dangerous drugs to delay puberty, so preventing them from enjoying their healthy adult bodies. The aborted adulthood can prevent the youths from overcoming the commonplace mental-health concerns — such as teenage angst, depression, or loneliness — which first caused them to claim transgender status.

Trump also retweeted Kentucky Sen. Rand Paul (R):

Texas Sen. Ted Cruz (R) is also using Twitter to call for an investigation:

The fight over the boy is likely to expand the nationwide debate over the progressive demand that the government and the public must treat people as members of the opposite sex once they say they are “transgender.”

So far, President Donald Trump’s deputies have rejected that demand and instead have issued policies allowing officials and citizens to recognize the biological distinctions between men and women.