Kristen Day, executive director of Democrats for Life of America, has threatened to withdraw support from candidates who would exclude pro-life Democrats from the party.

“We’ve had enough,” Ms. Day told Catholic News Agency (CNA) this week following an encounter with presidential candidate Pete Buttigieg who said he would be willing to live without the support of pro-life voters in order to maintain his total support for abortion-on-demand.

As Breitbart News reported, Buttigieg told Ms. Day that there is no room for the pro-life position in the Democrat Party and that he would never support any restrictions on abortion.

“I am pro-choice, and I believe that a woman ought to be able to make that decision,” Buttigieg said in a Fox News town hall in Iowa when questioned by Day regarding the party’s diversity and inclusion of pro-life people.

In her interview with CNA, Day expressed her dismay over the Democrats’ utter subservience to the abortion industry, noting that pro-life Democrats are simply “fed up.”

These presidential candidates “are so afraid of the abortion lobby” that they will make no room for pro-life Democrats, she said, because “they’re afraid that they’re going to lose all their money and support.”

“I just wanted to know if he [Buttigieg] thought there was room for us in the party. And he doesn’t,” she said.

Ms. Day said that pro-life Democrats need to show more muscle when dealing with the party leadership.

“We need pro-life Democrats all over the country to go to these candidates and ask the question: Do you want pro-life Democrats in the party? Because if not, we won’t vote for you,” she said.

Day also told CNA that Democratic activists are very vocal about their support for abortion but do not faithfully represent the rank-and-file, which is more divided on the issue.

When it comes down to the details of abortion policy, many Democrats cannot be classified as “pro-abortion,” she said.

While many describe themselves as pro-choice, regarding legal abortion for all nine months of pregnancy or the removal of safety regulations of abortion clinics, “when it comes right down to it, most people agree with me,” Day said.

The party’s “abortion extremism,” she said, “is not going to be a good long-term strategy for them.”

Ms. Day had already condemned her party’s radical pro-abortion platform prior to the 2016 presidential elections, which saw pro-abortion Hillary Clinton defeated by Donald Trump.

Day said that some Democrats had phoned her to say they would not vote for Hillary Clinton because of her extreme pro-abortion stance.

“This platform’s language just says (to pro-lifers) you are no longer welcome,” Ms. Day said at the time. “This has been the general message pro-life Democrats are receiving across the country.”