ROME — The Lega party of Matteo Salvini has lengthened its lead over the opposition in the latest national electoral poll, climbing to 27 percent, while the Democratic Party (PD) dropped to below 20 percent.

The progressive PD, captained by Nicola Zingaretti, dropped more than a half percentage point (0.7) in just one week to 19.5 percent, while the Five-Star Movement rose slightly to 16 percent, Giorgia Meloni’s Fratelli d’Italia (FDI) dropped to 13.9 percent and Silvio Berlusconi’s Forza Italia party fell to 6 percent.

Matteo Renzi’s Italia Viva party saw a 0.3 increase, bringing the fledgling group up to 3 percent.

The survey was conducted June 1 by the prestigious SWG market research group for the Italian television news channel TG La7.

Meanwhile, according to a separate survey carried out by the Istituto Noto, Italians have expressed a growing mistrust towards the government, especially in light of the economic, political, and social measures implemented during the health emergency.

The approval rating for the administration of Prime Minister Giuseppe Conte has fallen dramatically to 36 percent and protesters around the country have begun calling for his resignation.

As mistrust toward the national government grows, Italians have expressed a growing appreciation for their regional governments, the survey found.

As Breitbart News reported, Italians have reached the end of their rope with delays in returning life to normal after a draconian lockdown that crippled the Italian economy and left millions with no income.

A survey of Italians found the highest levels of anger as a predominant emotion since the lockdowns began in early March. As Italians feel more and more confident in their overall health situation, anger is rising over the seeming inability of the government to restore order and kickstart the economy.