Protesters took to the streets of Washington, DC, Monday night and faced off with police after attempting to topple the Andrew Jackson statue in Lafayette Park just hours earlier, screaming expletives at officers and demanding they remain “quiet” as insults were spat their way.

Breitbart News caught several tense moments between officers and protesters, who routinely went up to cops to deliver lectures and unfounded insults.

“What the fuck is funny?” one protester shouted from a megaphone as she paced in front of a line of officers.

“I’m seeing smirks. I’m seeing smiles. I mean, I don’t think genocide of the black community is funny… 401 years … you should have left us the fuck alone. The nerve of people to tell us to go back to our country. Go back to yours first colonizer!” she shouted.

“If you had balls, if you had a fucking spine, you would look at me and fucking talk to me,” a white protester said to a black officer in another tense scene.

“I just wish you’d say something relevant. You just want to hear yourself talk,” the black officer calmly told the demonstrator.

“I don’t want to hear myself talk. I want to hear your response, I want to hear the justification for what you’re doing,” he continued before another protester chimed in, telling the officer that it was “very unethical” to talk to the protesters and accusing him of creating an “unhealthy atmosphere.”

“He asked me a question and I answered it,” the officer said.

“You supposed to be standing there, quiet,” the demonstrator said. “You’re supposed to be quiet.”

Another scene showed a demonstrator demanding an officer return to his own district.

“Go police your district,” he said, prompting the officer to say, “You should apply.”

“I shouldn’t apply. Because you know what? I ain’t a pig,” the protester said, before claiming he makes more money than the officer.

“We’re hiring,” the officer said as the exchange continued to unfold.

“You can hold my dick, how’s that? I’ll hire you to hold my dick,” the man responded, adding if he were boss, he would fire “every single one of you.”

“One racist comment, I’d fire the shit out you,” he said.

“We don’t really have that problem,” the officer responded.

“Bullshit. Bullshit. You’re a fucking liar,” the demonstrator said before telling the officer that he should be “hitting the gym.”

Another scene showed another white protester lecturing a line of U.S. Park Police officers, looking at a black officer and telling him to “think about what you stand for.”

“You can take all of that off bro. We will welcome you with open arms bro. Open arms,” he pleaded. “We will hug you — show you so much love. You can just take all that bullshit off.”

Yet another scene from the protests featured a woman speaking through a megaphone, telling officers their ancestors are in hell. Another protester walked by telling the officers, through a megaphone, “we’re not afraid of you.”

Amid the intensity, protesters in the city attempted to construct their own “Black House Autonomous Zone” (BHAZ). President Trump on Tuesday warned there “will never be an ‘Autonomous Zone’ in Washington, D.C., as long as I’m your President.”

“If they try they will be met with serious force!” he added amid conflicting reports of BHAZ remaining intact following the night of protests: