St. Louis attorney Mark McCloskey hinted Tuesday that he might seek the U.S. Senate seat in Missouri that Sen. Roy Blunt’s (R-MO) impending retirement will leave open.

“I can confirm that it’s a consideration, yes,” McCloskey told Politico in a Tuesday interview.

McCloskey said there is no official timeline for when he would enter the race, if he decides to do so.

He and his wife, Patricia, made headlines in June 2020 after pointing guns at protesters marching through their neighborhood.

The couple used an AR-15 and a pistol to defend their home while 300 protesters were marching to former St. Louis Mayor Lyda Krewson’s home. No gunshots were fired.

The McCloskey case drew attention from state and national Republicans after the Democrat St. Louis Circuit Attorney Kim Gardner filed felony unlawful use of a weapon charges against the couple in July 2020.

Missouri Gov. Mike Parson, a Republican, promised to pardon the couple if they were convicted.

They also spoke at the Republican National Convention.

Since Blunt announced he would not seek re-election in 2022, several other candidates have announced their intention to run for the open seat.

Some of the candidates who announced their bid include former Missouri Gov. Eric Greitens (R), Missouri Attorney General Eric Schmitt (R), former state Sen. Scott Sifton (D), Lucas Kunce (D), and activist Timothy Shepard (D).