A video of a youth football player taking a ferocious helmet-to-helmet hit has sparked tremendous backlash on social media and led to calls for the adults involved to be fired.

The clip is only eight seconds long. Though, that’s all it took for Twitter commenters and sports analysts alike to become outraged by a drill involving what appeared to be two seven or eight-year-old kids running a drill in which the (obviously) smaller player was violently knocked off his feet after a violent helmet-to-helmet hit.

As the tweet mentions, the age of the participants is an issue. However, another issue is that the adults’ reaction seemed to be to wince, laugh, and then tell the obviously not-good kid that, “you good.”

Several NFL veterans and analysts took to Twitter to voice outrage over the video.

It is unknown what league the players in the video are a part of or when the video was taken. However, given the attention drawn to the eight-second clip, answers will likely be coming soon.