Rep. Jim Banks (R-IN) had a message for the Republican Party’s largest conservative caucus in the House of Representatives on Thursday.

“Lean into the culture war. Because the backlash against Critical Race Theory is real,” Banks said in a memo to 154 Republican Study Committee members and their offices.

Banks, who is RSC chairman, said Republicans are winning against Democrats when it comes to public perception of Critical Race Theory. He included statistics in his memo to back up his claims:

According to polling for the Heritage Action for American done by OnMessage, Inc. and presented to the Republican Study Committee at the Conservative Consensus Conference hosted by the Heritage Foundation…79 percent of those polled agree with Republicans and never want children taught their destiny and inherent value depends on their skin color and want American schools to be teaching children about the American Dream. Only a tiny fraction — 16 percent — want children taught Critical Race Theory. 

He also cited polling data from Heritage Action which found that Americans reject “Democrats’ vision of America.” According to the data, 64 percent of Americans disagree that America today has a culture of systematic racism and white privilege, and 61 percent of Americans disagree that America is a racist country. 

“We are in a culture war. On one side, Republicans are working to renew American patriotism and rebuild our country. On the other, Democrats have embraced and given platform to a radical element who want to tear America down,” Banks said.

“Here’s the good news: We are winning,” he continued.

Banks noted the grassroots movement from parents around the country who are “fed up with the lessons their kids are being taught.” He specifically mentioned recent efforts in Loudoun County, Virginia, and Southlake, Texas.

Parents criticized the teaching of CRT at a school board meeting in Loudoun County on Tuesday. Two attendees were arrested and others were injured when the board objected to clapping as opponents spoke, Breitbart News previously reported.  Voters in Southlake gave school board and city council candidates who oppose putting critical race theory in public school curriculums 70 percent of the vote in an election in May.

Democrat politicians and corporate media have been quick to mock Republicans’ stance against Critical Race Theory, as more and more conservatives gather against the ideology.

Rep. Ilhan Omar (D-MN) denied Saturday that schools are teaching Critical Race Theory (CRT), Breitbart News reported.

“Republicans love to create outrage over things that aren’t actually happening. People should be asking them, what elementary, middle and high school is teaching Critical Race Theory and why they are spinning false narratives,” she tweeted.

So far, at least 20 states have either introduced or passed bills banning Critical Race Theory from public schools.

“As House conservatives, we should be sending a signal to these concerned parents: We have your back,” Banks said.