Former Vice President Mike Pence, while speaking at the Heritage Foundation’s annual B.C. Lee Lecture on international affairs, roasted the Democrats for being “hesitant” to “criticize their communist friends in Cuba.”

Before Pence started his speech, he took a few moments to acknowledge what is going on in Cuba, saying it is “On the minds of freedom-loving people around the world.”

“As we gather today, the people of Cuba are taking to the streets, once again, for the ideals of freedom,” Pence said.

“For more than 60 years, the people of Cuba have labored under a communist dictatorship. It has stifled their liberty, silenced voices of dissent, and squandered their future,” the former vice president added.

Pence continued that, “While some of the far-left are hesitant to criticize their communist friends in Cuba. … The American people stand with the courageous men and woman of Cuba that are marching to reclaim their history of ‘Libertad.'”

“The United States must always stand for a free and Democratic Cuba,” Pence emphasized. “It must always be, que viva Cuba libre.”

In the days leading up to Pence’s speech, thousands of Cubans have peacefully flooded the streets in Cuba, demanding there be an end to the 62-year-old communist regime.

Some people were also seen chanting “freedom” and wearing American flags, while many are seeing extreme police repression.

There have also been thousands of Cuban-Americans in the United States who have organized “free Cuba” rallies, which are meant encourage Cubans who are on the island to stay in the streets to peacefully demand an end to communism.

Many are also trying to draw attention to President Joe Biden and his administration to act.