The latest polling from far-left NBC News holds only bad news for His Fraudulency Joe Biden and congressional Democrats.

For the first time, in a notoriously unreliable and Democrat-friendly poll, Biden’s approval rating is below 50 percent.

Biden was 14 points above water in April with a 53 percent approval rating and 39 percent disapproval rating.

Today, those numbers have swung a full 13 points against him. He’s only a single point above water, with a 49 percent approval rating and 48 percent disapproval rating.

Keep in mind, this is a fake poll from fake NBC News, so this was likely weighted to look better than it really was to help Biden as much as possible. Regardless, that 48 percent disapproval rating will worry the White House more than anything.

Biden’s approval of his handling of the China Flu is also in free fall. Only 53 percent approve, which is a stunning 16 point drop from April’s 69 percent approval rating. On the economy, he lost five points, a drop from 52 percent approval to just 47 percent.


Emergency Room nurses and EMTs tend to patients in hallways at the Houston Methodist The Woodlands Hospital on August 18, 2021, in Houston, Texas. (Brandon Bell/Getty Images)

As far as his devastating mishandling of Afghanistan, a full 60 percent disapprove, while only 25 percent approve.

On the issue of the future, NBC reports that “only 29 percent of Americans think the country is headed in the right direction, which is down 7 points from the last survey.”

NBC adds that a “majority of Americans — 54 percent — say they are mainly worried and pessimistic about the country’s future, versus 44 percent who say they are mainly hopeful and optimistic.”

On the economy, only “24 percent describe the current state of the economy as excellent or good.”

Pessimism is also growing around the coronavirus. In April, 61 percent said the worst of the virus was behind us. Today, that number’s dropped to 37 percent.

With 2022 coming up quickly, Biden’s malevolent incompetence is also harming the party as a whole.

Forty-seven percent of registered voters prefer a Democrat-controlled Congress, while 46 percent want Republicans in charge. (That’s down from the Democrats’ 5-point advantage on this question in April.)

It’s a general rule that, in this particular poll, Democrats need to be up by something like seven points to enjoy a good midterm.

Biden is holding on to Democrat voters, which is what’s keeping his poll numbers from collapsing entirely. However, if the disaster in Afghanistan drags on and grows worse, something I think is unfortunately likely, that’s where Biden will find himself in real danger.

Taliban fighters display their flag on patrol in Kabul, Afghanistan, August 19, 2021. (AP Photo/Rahmat Gul)

He’s in the worst position a president can be in. He’s a hostage, not only to events he cannot control but unlike, say, the coronavirus and Trump, Biden is hostage to a crisis he himself caused.

There is no upside for the Taliban to make this evacuation easy. Tying Biden down, dragging this out, destroying his presidency brings only upside. Holding on to those thousands of Americans or even one American, for as long as they can… That’s the smart play if you’re a barbarian.

The terrorists hold all the power, and it was Biden who handed it to them … on a silver platter… with tens of billions of dollars in operational weapons.

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