The National Republican Congressional Committee (NRCC), the House Republicans’ campaign arm released a campaign ad on Wednesday targeting Rep. Tom Malinowski (D-NJ) for his stock trading hypocrisy.

The campaign ad, paid for by the NRCC, targets Malinowski after he claimed “there shouldn’t even be the perception that” congressional members are making decisions that impact the economy with their “own personal investments in mind.”

After the ad showed a clip of the congress it cuts to a TV anchor reporting, “Malinowski, known for scolding those looking to capitalize on the once-in-a-century pandemic. He’s in the spotlight now for doing just that.”

Last May, the Hill summarized what Malinowski did:

New Jersey Rep. Tom Malinowski (D) is facing two ethics complaints for his failure to report trading roughly $1 million in stock in medical companies that were involved in responses to the COVID-19 pandemic, according to The Associated Press.

The AP reported Friday that an analysis of records obtained by the news agency revealed the lawmaker’s involvement in the stock buying and selling starting early last year.

Malinowski’s trades in the medical and tech stocks were just one part of the approximately $3.2 million value of his buying and selling at the time, which the AP reported he failed to properly disclose to Congress as required by law.

Another reporter in the ad noted the money the congressman made from the stocks “were earned in part with the controversial practice of short-selling stocks, betting that the value of the stocks and businesses would drop, amid the pandemic.”

“It’s not only having the stocks and short selling the stocks, which is a really mad look for a member of Congress, but not disclosing $3,100,000,” a woman in the ad explained. “It really looks bad… and it probably is very bad for Tom Malinowski.”

“Tom Malinowski’s corrupt stock trading is the reason a national conversation about banning members from trading exists. Malinowski’s pattern of illegal stock trades will follow him until he loses in November,” NRCC spokeswoman Samantha Bullock.

Jacob Bliss is a reporter for Breitbart News. You can follow him on Twitter.