The majority of Iowa voters now disapprove of President Joe Biden’s job performance, the latest Des Moines Register/Mediacom Iowa Poll survey found.

Just more than one-third of Iowans, 35 percent, approve of Biden’s job performance well into a year of his presidency. The vast majority, 59 percent, now disapprove, although the figure is what the Des Moines Register describes as a “modest improvement” from the 62 percent who disapproved of his job performance in November.

However, Biden originally saw a 47 percent approval rating shortly after taking office, in March 2021 — a 12 percent drop from his current standing. However, his approval went underwater the following month, and he has failed to recover since.

While a majority of Democrats approve of his job performance, less than a third of independent Iowan voters, 29 percent, give him the same stamp of approval.

Additionally, the vast majority of Iowans believe the nation is headed off on the wrong track, 67 percent to the 23 percent who believe it is going in the right direction. Seventy percent of independents agree that the nation is headed off on the wrong track.

The survey was taken February 28 – March 2, 2022, among 813 Iowa adults and has a margin of error of +/- 3.4 percent.

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Over the weekend, the national gas price average reached $4.00 — the highest it has reached since 2008.