Just 29 percent of Americans believe President Joe Biden will pursue a second term in 2024, according to a Wall Street Journal poll released Tuesday.

Fifty-two percent believe Biden will not run for reelection, with 19 percent undecided about Biden’s plans.

Among Democrats, just 41 percent believe Biden will run for a second term. Thirty-two percent said they believe he will not. Just over a quarter (26 percent) of Democrats are unsure of Biden’s reelection campaign.

The Journal’s polling shows a decreasing expectation of a Biden reelection campaign from happening. A December poll found that 34 percent of voters wanted Biden to run for reelection, five percentage points less.

Biden has not made a decision on whether to compete in 2024, according to the Journal’s sources. “People close to the president have suggested he will make a final decision after November’s midterm elections,” the publican reported, noting the White House maintains Biden will run for reelection.

Voters’ perception of Biden’s future may be informed by his cognitive abilities or lack thereof. In February, 38 Republican lawmakers demanded Biden take a cognitive test upon fears that he may have Alzheimer’s disease.

“This is not just a recent trend, as your mental decline and forgetfulness have become more apparent over the past two years,” the congressional letter read, pinpointing instances of Biden’s “signs of mental decline” and polling on Biden’s mental fitness:

Biden has made questionable policy decisions during his administration. In August, Biden’s withdrawal from Afghanistan killed 13 U.S. troops. The withdrawal also included giving up a regionally significant airbase.

In the spring, Biden printed tons of money into the economy, greatly fueling 40-year-high inflation. Biden then pushed for spending trillions more on his radical “Build Back Better” agenda. Biden has refused to take responsibility for inflation, blaming Russian President Vladimir Putin instead.

Biden is also negotiating with Russia on rejoining the Iranian nuclear deal. The negotiations are said to compromise Biden’s position on the Ukrainian war, which Russia has instigated on NATO’s doorstep. A Thursday poll revealed a plurality of likely voters believe that Russia would not have invaded Ukraine if former Donald Trump were still president.

Consequently, many Americans believe Biden will not rerun for president. Instead, the establishment media has been pushing Hillary Clinton to jump back into the conversation.

In a February poll, Biden trailed Hillary Clinton in a hypothetical Florida Democrat primary. Florida is a bellwether state for politicians who are testing the waters for national campaigns.

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