Pro-abortion leftists have become unhinged in protests across the country over the past two weeks since the leak of the U.S. Supreme Court draft opinion that overturns Roe v. Wade.

“Your mother should have aborted you,” one pro-abortion activist told a pro-life counterprotester last week.

“Your shirt says ‘hug life,’ what does that mean?” the counterprotester replied, only to be met with a similar response from the activist: “It’s what your mother should have done when you were born. She should have hugged the life out of you.”

“You’re killing women! Assholes!” yelled another pro-abortion woman caught on camera.

In one instance, a pro-abortion activist was caught spitting.

While most footage from the compilation – shot exclusively by Breitbart News – was shot in front of the Supreme Court Building in Washington, DC, the protests have not only been confined to there.

Leftist activists have also been specifically targeting the homes of the six conservative Supreme Court Justices in Northern Virginia and Maryland.

Last Monday, the leftist group Shut Down DC held a protest outside the house of Justice Samuel Alito. However, before the protest took place, Alito was reportedly moved to an undisclosed location, per Breitbart News.

Leftists, dressed in costumes from the TV series The Handmaid’s Tale, were seen protesting on Wednesday in front of Amy Coney Barret’s house and Friday in Chevy Chase, Maryland.

While marching around in their costumes, the activists even tried to approached the grounds of a country club where Supreme Court members attend but were promptly asked to leave the premises of the property.


You can follow Ethan Letkeman on Twitter at @EthanLetkeman.