A Texas-based insurance company is bucking the corporate trend of paying for employees’ abortions in the wake of the Roe v. Wade reversal. Texas-based Buffer Insurance announced last week that it will pay the costs for employees who give birth and also financially help those who want to adopt.

”Secular companies are paying the travel costs for employees to abort babies out-of-state. Today we are announcing that Buffer will pay the costs for our employees who birth babies,” the company announced on Instagram.

“Buffer will provide paid time off for all employees to have maternity and paternity leave with their newborns. Buffer will pay for the medical costs associated with adopting a baby,” the company policy states.

As Breitbart News reported, at least 65 U.S. corporations have vowed to pay medical and travel expenses for employees to get abortions.

CBN News interviewed Sean Turner, president of Buffer Insurance, who spoke about how his Christian faith informed his decision to do the opposite of secular, abortion-loving businesses:

“We know that life happens at conception. Jesus actually speaks toward that. It’s more than a baby … it’s a purpose,” Turner said in the CBN article, adding that his company want to help employees with the often expensive process of expanding one’s family through birth or adoption.

“If employees are having difficulty or having problems expanding their family, we are providing resources for that,” Turner said. “There’s a lot of medical expenses you can pay for around an adoption … more tax savings if companies put money toward that. With the overturning of Roe v. Wade, there’s going to be a lot more babies for adoption.”

“We want to celebrate life and make it easy for families to expand. The culture says children are a burden but the Bible says children are a blessing,” Turner told CBN News.

Turner said that he hopes other businesses across the U.S. will take a pro-life stance in the post-Roe era and that he is already hearing from many;

“Our email is exploding, tons of businesses,” Turner said. “It’s super exciting.”

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