The DeSantis campaign dropped its “Top Gov” ad ahead if Tuesday’s primary in Florida, paying homage to the governor’s military experience with a parallel to the ever-popular movie Top Gun: Maverick.

The 60-second ad features the governor, a decorated Navy veteran, detailing how to take down the dishonest corporate media — a feat he has continued to conquer over the past few years.

“Good morning ladies and gentlemen. This is your governor speaking. Today’s training evolution: dogfighting. Taking on the corporate media,” DeSantis says in the ad, listing out the “rules of engagement.”

“Number one, don’t fire unless fired upon, but when they fire, you fire back with overwhelming force,” he states as the ad cuts back to a flashback of DeSantis taking on biased media at a press conference.

“Number two, never ever back down from a fight,” he says, as it once again cuts to a back and forth at a past press conference, when he questioned a reporter, asking, “Are you going to give a speech or ask the question?”

“Number three, don’t accept their narrative,” he says as the ad cuts to another exchange featuring DeSantis correcting a reporter, deeming something a “fake narrative.”

“Alright, ladies and gentlemen,” DeSantis said. The ad then moves to the governor’s son Mason, who excitedly says, “Let’s turn and burn!”


The ad comes the night ahead of the Tuesday primary in the Sunshine State, which will determine which Democrat DeSantis will face in the general election in November.