Republican Party of Iowa Chairman Jeff Kaufmann said Rep. Cindy Axne (D-IA) has continued to display her “long history of false ads” with her most recent one and has received “very little repercussions” in the meantime.

“[Axne] has a long history of false ads that have gone on for months, with very little repercussions,” the chairman told a group of reporters on Friday when discussing Axne’s most recent attack ad towards her Republican opponent, state Sen. Zach Nunn.

The attack ad Kaufmann is referring to from her campaign has taken some intense criticism from Republicans, calling it verifiably false and demanding an apology. The ad claims that Nunn is in China’s pocket for accepting money from a Chinese company and voting on tax breaks that allow the Chinese to “beat out” Iowa businesses.

However, the company that Axne is referring to is the same company she toured and had a photo-op with in 2019 while admitting she was “glad to hear” from the company and praised it for “powering Iowa agriculture.” Additionally, the legislation her ad referenced, Nunn was “excused” from voting on because he was in Kosovo on a security cooperation mission.

Kaufmann also referenced Axne’s first campaign ad targeting Nunn, in which she tried to blame the death of an 11-year-old on him, even though the legislature she referenced had no impact on the situation the Democrat claimed to have.

“Axne is lying because she cannot win on the issues. She cannot defend her voting record,” Kaufmann added. He noted that the congresswoman claims to be “bucking” her own party in another recent campaign ad despite her voting record. The Hawkeye State Democrat has voted with Speaker Nany Pelosi and President Joe Biden 100 percent of the time.

On Thursday, former Iowa Republican Gov. Terry Branstad also torched Axne by saying her ad is “absolutely blatant and false.”

Branstad, who also served as U.S. Ambassador to China under President Donald Trump, stated, “In all the years that I have witnessed Iowa politics, I’ve never seen an Iowa Congress member attack their opponent with blatantly false accusations that they know to be untrue.”

“She’s attacking Zach Nunn because he got the endorsement of Syngenta,” Branstad explained. “But now, because they’ve endorsed Zach Nunn, she attacks. Zach Nunn — decorated military veteran who has served in combat representing our country. I think it is absolutely blatant and false. She knows it. And she should apologize.”

Jacob Bliss is a reporter for Breitbart News. Write to him at or follow him on Twitter @JacobMBliss.