Most young Americans believe they determine their own “truth,” a McLaughlin & Associates/Summit Ministries survey released this week found.

The survey, taken October 12-17, 2022, asked respondents to share their view of truth. They could either choose “There is absolute truth,” or “Each person determines their own version of truth.”

Most Americans overall, 57 percent, believe that there is “absolute truth,” but 39 percent disagree, and four percent remain unsure. 

Perhaps what is more concerning is the fact that younger Americans reject the idea of the existence of absolute truth. Fifty-five percent of those 18-29 believe that each person determines their own version of truth, as do 46 percent of those ages 30-40. 

Most, 59 percent, of those 41-55 believe in absolute truth, as do 67 percent of those 56-65 and 64 percent of those over 65. 

The findings follow the radical left’s increased attempts to influence children in the classroom, pushing radical gender ideology on elementary-aged children. The Florida legislature, with Gov. Ron DeSantis’s (R) leadership, put an end to that in the state — to the left’s great dismay — barring inappropriate classroom discussions on gender identity and sexual orientation for children in kindergarten through third grade, via the Parental Rights in Education law. 

At the time, DeSantis accused critics of “sloganeering because they don’t want to admit that they support a lot of the things we’re providing protections against.”

“For example, they support sexualizing kids in kindergarten,” the governor added. “They support injecting woke gender ideology into second grade classrooms. They support enabling schools to ‘transition students’ to a ‘different gender’ without the knowledge of the parents, much less … the parents’ consent.”

All of that came as disturbing TikToks trickled out featuring teachers bragging about indoctrinating malleable children with their radical LGBT ideology.