Establishment media networks on Friday avoided posting stories on their homepages about the Thursday IRS whistleblower allegations of political interference by the Justice Department (DOJ) on behalf of the Biden family.

One day after bombshell allegations against the Biden family alleging corruption within President Joe Biden’s DOJ, the establishment media appeared silent on homepages.

According to recent polling, 50 percent of Americans believe the national media intend to mislead, misinform, and persuade the public, as just 35 percent say most news organizations can be relied upon.

Among the networks that refused to post a story around noon Friday about the scandal on their main front pages of their websites were the Washington Post, Politico, New York Times, CNN, and MSNBC. Most published an article about the bombshell.

Source: Washington Post

Source: Politico

Source: New York Times

Source: CNN

Source: MSNBC

News sites were not the only media outlets that ignored the news. ABC’s “World News Tonight” and “CBS Evening News” on Thursday evening also ignored the bombshell IRS whistleblower allegations.

Their decision to ignore the allegations follows a historical pattern of shielding their viewers from allegations of Biden family wrongdoing.

In October 2021, ABC, CBS, and NBC spent “0 seconds” reporting on Joe and Hunter Biden’s alleged shared bank account, the Republican National Committee’s research team found.

In June 2022, ABC News, NBC News, and CBS News aired only 298 seconds on Hunter Biden’s “Laptop from Hell” story since March 16, when the New York Times confirmed authentication of the laptop, according to Media Research Center.

In June, the network news channels ABC, CBS, and NBC spent zero time on the alleged Biden “bribery” scandal, compared to 291 minutes on the Trump indictment, according to a media watchdog report.

In addition, ABC News acknowledged in March the legacy outlet refused to review Hunter Biden’s abandoned “Laptop from Hell,” all while reporting on the infamous laptop story by printing scoops from Hunter’s legal team.

Follow Wendell Husebø on Twitter @WendellHusebø. He is the author of Politics of Slave Morality.