Students at the University of Florida and the University of Alabama’s Young Americans for Freedom (YAF) chapters used Breitbart News Senior Contributor and Government Accountability Institute President Peter Schweizer’s new book, Blood Money: Why the Powerful Turn a Blind Eye While China Kills Americans, to warn their peers about the Chinese Communist Party (CCP)’s subversion of the United States.

The YAF student groups hosted tabling events on their campuses last week where they distributed flyers containing bombshell revelations from Schweizer’s New York Times #1 bestseller Blood Money.

Watch: YAF students warn about the CCP’s subversion of America:

University of Florida’s YAF chapter leader Caitlyn McCoy told Breitbart News that Schweizer, who is also a YAF alumnus and director, provided the inspiration for these efforts due to the extensive research in Blood Money.

“Schweizer’s book inspired us to take action and to start conversations at the University of Florida,” McCoy said.

“Schweizer demonstrated just how much the CCP is doing to impact America in such a negative way. As conservative students on a college campus, we knew immediately it was time to say something,” she added.

The University of Florida YAF chapter leader added that her student group received mixed reactions while distributing the material on campus.

Students with the Young Americans for Freedom (YAF) chapter at the University of Florida in Gainesville, Florida, hold a tabling event on campus to distribute literature with information from Peter Schweizer’s book “Blood Money: Why the Powerful Turn a Blind Eye While China Kills Americans” to warn fellow students about the dangers of communist China. (Photo courtesy of YAF)

A selection of the literature passed out by students with the Young Americans for Freedom (YAF) chapter during a tabling event at the University of Florida in Gainesville, Florida, using the information from Peter Schweizer’s book “Blood Money: Why the Powerful Turn a Blind Eye While China Kills Americans.” (Photo courtesy of YAF)

A wall of literature posted on the University of Florida campus in Gainesville, Florida, by students with Young Americans for Freedom (YAF). (Photo courtesy of YAF)

A wall of literature posted on the University of Florida campus in Gainesville, Florida, by students with Young Americans for Freedom (YAF). (Photo courtesy of YAF)

“Some were eager to sign the petition and excited to see students taking a stand against the CCP and the rising fentanyl crisis. Most refused to sign, torn up flyers, and were outraged that anyone questioned the CCP’s actions,” McCoy said.

After being asked why she feels this subject matter is so important, the student cited “the overwhelming number of deaths related to fentanyl overdoses” as an important issue impacting her generation.

“We have to take a stand and stop the fentanyl at the source: the CCP,” she said. “The evidence is sufficient and clear that the CCP is putting fentanyl on our street. As a nation, we need to face this reality and enact change.”

When asked if she believes students on campus really see China as a threat to the United States, McCoy said, “It depends on who you talk to.”

Students with the Young Americans for Freedom (YAF) chapter at the University of Florida in Gainesville, Florida, hold a tabling event on campus to distribute literature with information from Peter Schweizer’s book “Blood Money: Why the Powerful Turn a Blind Eye While China Kills Americans.” (Photo courtesy of YAF)

“When discussing this project with my conservative friends, they agreed wholeheartedly. They shared the petition, signed immediately, and helped get the word out,” the student explained. “However, there is still a large majority of students who think that China acts with pure intentions when it comes to American interests and many who did not want to hear what we had to say.”

“We were just told by fellow students ‘to not do drugs.’ There are concerns around drug addiction in America; however, we need to stop these harmful drugs at the source,” McCoy said. “Without a doubt, this source is the Chinese Communist Party.”

Students with the Young Americans for Freedom (YAF) chapter at the University of Florida in Gainesville, Florida, hold a tabling event on campus to distribute literature from Peter Schweizer’s book “Blood Money: Why the Powerful Turn a Blind Eye While China Kills Americans.” (Photo courtesy of YAF)

The YAF tabling events followed McCoy’s remarks last week before members of her campus’ student government, in which she warned her fellow students about the CCP’s role in U.S. fentanyl-related deaths and urged the Student Body Senate to condemn the communist regime.

In an interview with Breitbart News about his new book Blood Money, Schweizer explained the connection between China and the North American fentanyl trade:

“A lot of the people involved in the fentanyl trade actually have senior positions in the CCP [Chinese Communist Party] or they’re advisers to the CCP government, but the links in this chain of fentanyl that is poisoning 100,000 Americans, every link in that chain is a Chinese operation,” Schweizer said, explaining that the Mexican cartels are “really the junior partners.”

“We all know the precursors come from China,” Schweizer said, explaining that we have been unable to stop the precursors because the International Terminal in Manzanillo in Mexico is “actually run by a Chinese company that’s very close to the Chinese state,” he said, explaining that those precursors “come into the port of Manzanillo” and are “moved to a town in northern Mexico where, according to leaked documents from the Department of Homeland Security that I obtained, 2,000 Chinese nationals essentially operate as chemists.”

In other words, these Chinese nationals are on our border doing it in our backyard. It does not end there, either, because the Chinese are selling pill presses to the Mexican cartels “at cost,” and the cartels are using communication devices and apps that are Chinese “because they know that the Chinese will not share those communications with U.S. law enforcement,” Schweizer said.

Schweizer added that the “final part of the puzzle” in fentanyl trafficking is the issue of money laundering, which he says the Mexican cartels are now doing using Chinese state-owned banks.

“According to our law enforcement, they use Chinese students in the United States on education visas to actually launder the money in those banks,” Schweizer said.

“So, this is a Chinese operation much more than it is a Mexican drug cartel operation,” he concluded.

Students with the Young Americans for Freedom (YAF) chapter at the University of Alabama in Tuscaloosa, Alabama, hold a tabling event on campus to distribute literature with information from Peter Schweizer’s book “Blood Money: Why the Powerful Turn a Blind Eye While China Kills Americans” to warn fellow students about the dangers of communist China. (Photo courtesy of YAF)

University of Alabama YAF chapter leader Christian Calvert told Breitbart News that when his group shared information about the Chinese communist regime with fellow students on campus, “We realized a lot of people were unaware that China was actively harming the U.S. in any way.”

“They’re under the impression that the tension between our countries is just a result of ‘American imperialism’ and a grudge match between two countries trying to be number one,” Calvert explained.

The Alabama YAF chapter leader added that “the subject of DEI is also a hot topic on campus right now, as the Alabama legislature has just banned DEI offices in the state.”

“Many students in support of it rejected the notion that DEI was harmful or that there was Chinese backing behind it with the intent to divide Americans,” he said.

Calvert added that Schweizer’s book “opened my eyes to the extent that the Chinese have infiltrated our institutions and gotten in bed with our politicians. I knew about their part in the fentanyl crisis and Chinese coming across the border, but the funding of different divisive topics in our political sphere was a surprise to me.”

“Furthermore, knowing that U.S. politicians are actively profiting from the issues and from the CCP was sickening and is unacceptable,” the student said.

Schweizer’s Blood Money reached #1 on the New York Times bestseller list last week, just one week after its release by publisher HarperCollins.

You can follow Alana Mastrangelo on Facebook and X/Twitter at @ARmastrangelo, and on Instagram.