“Mitch McConnell is a snake,” said Roy in Montana, a caller to Wednesday’s Breitbart News Daily on SiriusXM.

Roy’s sentiment was widely shared by other Breitbart News Daily callers, who framed Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell’s (R-KY) political machinations as integral to the outcome of Tuesday’s special senatorial election in Alabama.

Political divisions between Democrat and Republican politicians, said many callers, ranged from superficial to illusory. America’s primary political fault line is no longer partisan, according to this view, but between the Washington, D.C. establishment and the American people.

“I don’t see how there’s any justification for Mitch McConnell to have a fund where he gets to pick the candidate. Is that what the head of the party’s supposed to be doing?” asked Ralph in Colorado, criticizing McConnell’s influence over the Senate Leadership Fund (SLF).

The SLF is led by Steven Law, McConnell’s former chief of staff. The SLF spent millions of dollars supporting Sen. Luther Strange’s (R-AL) failed primary campaign against Roy Moore.

“It’s really an embarrassment that Steve Bannon is having to pull out all of the stops to drag his candidate across the finish line,” said Law on Monday in an interview with Fox New Channel’s Dana Perino, formerly a spokesperson for the second Bush administration. Last August, Perino smeared pro-Israel Breitbart News—whose late founder, current CEO, and various editors and writers are Jewish—as being a site for Nazis.

“Nobody helped [Roy Moore],” said Gary in Florida, noting McConnell’s and the broader Republican Party’s abandonment of Roy Moore’s senatorial campaign.

“It’s unbelievable how destructive the Republican establishment is to the Trump agenda,” said Catherine in Illinois. “They hate the American people. They hate what we stand for. It’s frightening… They are doing nothing but standing in the way of getting [the Trump agenda] done.”

“If we have Republicans in the GOP and the Senate and the Congress and everywhere else going against us, the people… we’re an underdog in every election going forward,” said Jim in Tennessee, referencing McConnell’s and the broader Republican Party’s hostility toward Moore’s candidacy.

“McConnell and snake [Paul Ryan] have gotta go,” said Grace in New York, alluding to Jeb Bush’s former presidential campaign adviser Tim Miller’s coordination with The Washington Post in driving allegations against Moore of sexual predation and impropriety.

“Mitch McConnell’s an idiot,” said Scott in Alabama.

Cindy in Florida described the Republican Party and its donor allies as “the enemy within,” amounting to a political fifth column committed to subverting the American people’s popular will.

“The Republicans and Democrats do not have the same agenda as us,” said Elaine in Pennsylvania. “Get rid of [Mitch McConnell],” she added, describing the “Republican establishment” and Democrats as amounting to a uniparty who are “on the other side” of the American people.

“McConnell is a big reason why [Roy Moore was defeated by Doug Jones in Alabama,” said Derek in New Jersey.

“[McConnell and his allies] are fully content to lose that election [in Alabama] to slow down the momentum that you have built and the other conservatives have built,” said Brian in Texas to Breitbart News’ Executive Chairman Stephen K. Bannon.

McConnell’s approval/disapproval rating in his home state of Kentucky is 33%/55%, according to a November-published Politico/Morning Consult poll, making him the “country’s least popular politician.”

Breitbart News Daily airs on SiriusXM Patriot channel 125 weekdays from 6 a.m. to 9 a.m. Eastern.