NATIONAL HARBOR, MD – Nationally syndicated radio superstar Mark Levin joined SiriusXM hosts Matt Boyle and Amanda House at CPAC on Breitbart News Saturday, praising President Donald Trump’s actions for advancing conservatism, and making explosive statements about the Left, Obama and his administration, the media, guns, and Democrats’ plans to impeach the president.

Levin was speaking to thousands of conservatives who gathered just outside of the nation’s capital at the annual pilgrimage for the conservative movement. Boyle and House were broadcasting live from CPAC, as the “Great One” sat down with them to reflect on President Trump’s speech to the conference on Friday, and examining the first year of the Trump administration.

“This president is so different,” Levin began. “He threw out the written speech and he said, ‘Let me talk to you.’”

“He connects with you individually,” the former Reagan administration senior aide continued, making the observation of the president that, “he talks like a regular person,” as opposed to a polished politician with a team of handlers.

Boyle and House—who respectively are the political editor and deputy political editor of Breitbart News—invited Levin to unpack his thoughts on how the president’s actions stack up with conservative priorities, given Levin’s pedigree and well-earned reputation as one of the foremost champions of constitutional conservatism. Levin dedicates much of the time on his wildly successful radio show holding accountable public officials who stray from conservative priorities.

The #1-bestselling author told Boyle and House that he actually spoke with the nation’s 45th president about his governing style. “You’re not a philosophical conservative,” he admitted he said to President Trump in a face-to-face conversation, “but you do conservative things.”

“Which is fine by me,” Levin commented to Boyle and House, “because it’s the end result that matters.”

The onetime chief of staff to former Attorney General Ed Meese—who is regarded by many as the godfather of modern constitutional conservatism—said of President Trump that he is “extremely proud of what he’s been doing.”

It is no secret that Levin does not agree with President Trump on everything. “But I didn’t agree with Reagan on everything,” either, Levin noted, a comparison noteworthy because of the tremendous respect Levin has for the nation’s 40th president, under whom he served.

Levin, Boyle, and House then turned to the red-hot issues that are currently dominating the headlines, and explaining what is behind those narratives.

“If the Democrats take the House, they’re going to move to impeach this president, to reverse the results of the election,” Levin claimed. “They’ve been into this silent coup since the day he was elected. They are furious that he is president of the United States.”

Levin called Special Counsel Robert Mueller a “hit man” and compared Mueller’s investigation to a “mob operation.”

“This is a grotesque miscarriage of justice,” Levin insists. “Something about this stinks to high heaven.”

They discussed Chairman Devin Nunes’ probing this situation through his House Select Intelligence Committee.

Levin said that he noticed a pattern, relying upon his experience as a top Justice Department official. He recalled the moment during the 2016 election when he concluded, “we’ve got domestic surveillance of Trump World.”

The leftwing establishment was doing—and is continuing to do this, to “try to destroy Trump’s candidacy, and then his transition, and then his presidency,” he declared.

Levin insists that this was “political domestic surveillance,” and that a host of characters, from the Obama White House, to top officials in the Obama-Lynch Justice Department, to leaders at the FBI, must have known about it when it was happening.

The blockbuster radio host ran through a litany of ways that Democrats are opposing President Trump and attempting to thwart his agenda, including in the courtroom. “You see what Obama judges are doing to this president,” he observed.

“They will not secure this border,” he added, and Democrats will once again defund the military and double-down on the “domestic redistribution of wealth.”

There are “hardcore anti-constitutional progressive leftists” who are out to get President Trump, and the entire conservative agenda would be endangered if the president’s enemies succeed, Levin warned.

They also discussed the Second Amendment, the school shooting in Parkland, Florida, and the extreme hostility from CNN and the establishment media against the Second Amendment.

Listen to the full interview:

Ken Klukowski is senior legal editor for Breitbart News. Follow him on Twitter @kenklukowski.

Breitbart News Saturday airs on SiriusXM Patriot channel 125 from 10 a.m. to 1 p.m. Other Breitbart News radio shows air on the same channel weekdays from 6 a.m. to 9 a.m. and from 9 p.m. to midnight, and on Sundays from 7 p.m. to 10 p.m.