Senate Republicans should make an effort to dismiss an impeachment trial of President Donald Trump if House Democrats pass articles of impeachment against him, determined Mark Levin, host of his eponymous radio show, BlazeTV’s LevinTV, and Fox News Channel’s Life, Liberty, and Levin. He offered his remarks in a Monday interview on SiriusXM’s Breitbart News Daily with host Alex Marlow.

“The Republicans should fight it,” said Levin of the possibility of articles of impeachment being passed in the House and sent to the Senate for an impeachment trial. [Democrats] created their own disaster … and now they should be forced to live with it. If I’m [Chuck Schumer], I don’t want it, because [Adam Schiff] put their best foot forward.”

Levin continued, “[Adam Schiff] controlled this like the Soviet Marxists, and so they had the witnesses they wanted, they could cut off questions, and so forth, and they have have protected this whistleblower throughout, who’s not even a whistleblower.”


“If it goes to the Senate, those Republicans better pull that whistleblower in,” added Levin. “We need the face, the name, the background, [and] every single thing there is to know about this guy, because I think that’s the house of cards that’ll come down. You’ll see the conspiracy with [Adam Schiff] … in my view, [Alexander Vindman], and others. That’s crucial.”

Levin went on, “On the other hand, [the Democrats’] base is so nuts. I don’t think they’d be happy with anything short of the president hanging from a telephone pole, so they have to deal with this, and my guess is they’re trying to figure out the best way.”

Marlow asked Levin about the possibility of the House censuring Trump, a measure offered by Fox News Channel’s Chris Wallace.

“The only president to be censured was Andrew Jackson, and subsequently Congress reversed itself after he passed away,” responded Levin. “There’s nothing in the Constitution that supports censure. It doesn’t mean these knuckleheads can’t vote for censure, call this president a kumquat, or do whatever they want to do in that respect, but I think that’s their problem.”

Levin continued, “Our problem is to make sure the Senate is strong enough. You’ve got some weak sisters in there in [Susan Collins] and [Lisa Murkowski], you’ve got [Mitt Romney]. [Senate Republicans] have a very thin line. You’ve got McConnell — who other than judges — has shown himself to be terrible, and our friend Lindsey Graham, who talks a good game, but his actions are less so. So we’ve got our own weaknesses in the Senate.”
Levin estimated, “This is why I disagree with the president and others who are saying, ‘I want a trial [in the Senate].’ My concern about that is, the motion to dismiss is perfectly legitimate in any other form. It ought to be legitimate here but for the fact that McConnell refuses to change the rules, or he doesn’t have the votes to change the rules.”

Allowing Democrats to initiate an impeachment trial of Trump in the Senate would undermine the Western pillars of jurisprudence, explained Levin.

“You don’t give an unconstitutional process that undermines all notions of due process under Western Civilization’s norms your imprimatur if you’re the United States Senate,” assessed levin. “The Senate is the only body that can truly check the House in this process. So if they’re not going to [dismiss] it and they’re going to go along with the trial, they surrender too much.

Levin added, “Now, if they’re going to have the trial, then damn it, do it the right way, but my attitude about this is, ‘You’re a firewall against tyranny.’ You don’t have to say, ‘Okay, we’ll have a trial on tyranny.’ So my attitude on this is they ought to make the effort to dismiss, and the senators who vote against changing the rules for that? Okay, well the American people, once and for all, will speak, and if the American people are virtuous, they’ll deal with it. If not enough of us are, then we get what we get.”

Levin’s latest book, Unfreedom of the Press, was published in May.

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