Mark Levin praised Breitbart News Editor-in-Chief Alex Marlow’s Breaking the News: Exposing the Establishment Media’s Hidden Deals and Secret Corruption on Wednesday’s edition of his eponymous radio program.

Levin interviewed Marlow about Breaking the News, noting that while many authors request interviews to discuss and promote their books on his show, only a few are invited to do so.

“Alex Marlow is a great friend,” Levin said. “He’s a great friend of this show. He’s been always supportive of the things we do here. He runs a fantastic site, Breitbart, which we talk about all the time.” He said to Marlow, “You have written a terrific book. You know, authors are lining up, and I only cherry-pick a few who I really know have written their books, have done a great job, and you did exactly that — Breaking the News — there cannot be enough focus on what the media are doing to this country.”

Levin added, “This is a fantastic book by our friend Alex Marlow at Breitbart — Breaking the News — I want to strongly encourage you to get your copy.”

LISTEN (Interview begins at 01:26:00):

“You can order now and get it the next day,” he continued. Breaking the News by Alex Marlow, who’s the head muckety muck over there at Breitbart. We all visit Breitbart. They do a fantastic job over there, and you did a fantastic job with this book, Alex, and I wish you all the best. … It’s very much worth reading.”

Marlow praised Levin’s Unfreedom of the Press as an essential primer for his writing of Breaking the News.