Breitbart News Senior Editor MILO listed the negative health effects that come from having an abortion during his talk at Cal Poly State University on Tuesday, including an increase in suicidal tendencies and mood disorders.

“#ShoutYourAbortion and movements like it seek to normalize abortion, but in fact it is very bad for women’s health,” claimed MILO. “You know, the women feminism claims to care about.”

“In 2010, the Canadian Journal of Psychiatry published a study based on a sample of 3,000 women in the United States. The findings of the effects of abortion are startling,” he continued. “59 percent increased risk for suicidal thoughts. 61 percent increased risk for mood disorders. 61 percent increased risk for social anxiety disorders. 261 percent increased risk for alcohol abuse. 280 percent increased risk for any substance use disorder.”

“If the cause of this mental anguish were anything besides abortion, women would be marching non-stop against it, and Madonna would be threatening to blow the White House up over it,” MILO concluded. “Abortion is clearly so bad for women’s mental health that it falls second only to Islam, and maybe the fact that I’m gay.”

Written from prepared remarks.