Monday night was a rough night for those opposing Donald Trump. First, President Trump fired acting Attorney General Sally Yates for refusing to enforce his executive order regarding immigration and refugee relocation. Then, in a bit of a delayed reaction, a domino of Trump opposition fell in the sports world as well.

On Inauguration Day, we brought you the story of New York Post sports writer Bart Hubbuch who tweeted, and then deleted, a tweet comparing the date of Donald Trump’s inauguration to Pearl Harbor, and 9/11:

Well, fast-forward ten days and Hubbuch has tweeted again. This one, though, not a tweet that Hubbuch wanted to send:

Hubbuch thinks that since he tweeted that vile, malicious tweet on his own time it somehow makes a difference. Everything on Twitter happens on your “own time.” Unless, your job requires you to tweet, which Hubbuch’s clearly does not.

His job requires him to cover sports. A job he might still have, had he spent more time covering sports.

Follow Dylan Gwinn on Twitter: @themightygwinn