Sean Combs, the rapper formerly known as Puff Daddy, Puffy, P. Diddy, and then just plain old Diddy. Has a plan which, if he pulled it off, could spare the NFL a tremendous headache.

In a Twitter rant on Tuesday night, Combs talked about owning his own football league. Here’s what a Combs-owned professional football league would look like, in his words:

“I did have a dream to own a NFL team but now my dream is to own our own league! A league where you can be yourself. Have a retirement plan. . . . Have freedom to be a great human and protest for your people without being demonized for your beliefs as a KING!! NEW DREAM ALERT!!!!”

The last time I checked the NFL has a retirement plan, players are more than welcome to become great humans, and though it sometimes ends badly, players are encouraged to be themselves.

However, the intriguing piece of Combs’ vision is the part about having the freedom to protest “for your people” without being demonized. Putting aside the argument over whether these players have actually been demonized, this idea poses an interesting opportunity for the NFL.

It’s unclear whether Combs is talking about buying the NFL, or starting his own league. Though, given that it would be next to impossible for Combs to buy the NFL even if it was for sale, let’s assume Combs means to start his own rival league. What a great opportunity this would be for the NFL. First, you would have the potential of some of your social justice warrior malcontents, leaving for a rival organization. A scenario that the NFL would dearly love right about now.

Moreover, all the protesting players in the NFL who would elect to stay in the NFL, which would be the vast majority, would never be able to even mention anthem protests again. Because they would have had their opportunity to leave and protest at will in Combs’ league. However, they would have declined that opportunity to remain in the financial comfort of the wealthiest sports league in America.

Proving themselves to be far more down for the dollar, than they are for the struggle.

Sean Combs should ask the NFL for a loan to get a league like that started, they would probably help him do it.