The Super Bowl champion Philadelphia Eagles’ had their White House visit canceled Tuesday by President Trump, due to poor attendance.

Newsmax TV host Joe Walsh doesn’t blame the President for what happened.

“This wasn’t on Trump; this had nothing to do with Trump,” said Walsh, a former congressman from Illinois. “The players snubbed Trump. They did this. They inserted politics into what happened [on Tuesday].”

Walsh feels reporters who blame Trump are off target.

“All the media was able to say was, ‘This was Trump’s fault. Trump disinvited the Philadelphia Eagles. Trump had some Patriot stunt.’ Bull,” Walsh said on Newsmax TV. “Two years ago. Colin Kaepernick, that America-hating idiot, started to take a knee because he hates America, and then over the course of that first NFL season [some] NFL players joined him, then last September, Trump publicly said, ‘You know what, it’s wrong for NFL players to take a knee. It’s wrong that they don’t stand at attention.’ And President Trump publicly implored owners to come down hard on their players. And that very first weekend after President Trump laid that down, man, about 150 players took a knee, and [some] continued through most of last season.”

Walsh believes that currently this movement is driven by some players despising Trump.

“They can’t stand Trump; they can’t stand his politics,” Walsh said. “That is what this is all about. It has nothing to do with racism.”

Fox Business host Stuart Varney also feels the NFL player’s crusade has morphed into an Anti-Trump movement.

“It’s also about politics; the kneelers have become part of the resistance to all things Trump,” Varney said. “90 percent of black vote goes Democrat. The Democrats want to keep it that way. Democratic Senator Bob Casey jumped in on the controversy and invited the Eagles to Capitol Hill. The Democratic mayor of Philadelphia called Trump, ‘a fragile egomaniac.’”

Varney believes there is a racial component to activism.

“This isn’t just about respect for the flag, it’s about race and the response of the African-American players to the Trump Presidency,” Varney said. “The kneelers are overwhelmingly black. Their protest picked up steam when the President called [the protestor’s] SOB’s and we have an ongoing confrontation.”

Kaepernick claims he started the movement to fight “police brutality and racial inequality,” so Walsh is baffled why the anthem protesters seem to ignore the black-on-black crime epidemic.

“Do you ever see these players working on black-on-black violence all over the country,” Walsh said. “Hell no, you don’t. They protest and take a stance against Trump like the Philadelphia Eagles did.”

Varney thinks the anthem protest movement isn’t good for football.

“But what about the sport? Varney said. “Who is looking out for the sport? The players are hurting themselves and the sport. [It’s] bad for the sport; bad for players – that’s my opinion. The President is saying ‘enough, don’t disrespect our nation or the presidency.'”