They were supposed to be the most socially aware and best women’s soccer team on the planet. Well, after their 3-0 crushing defeat at the hands of the Swedes, we can still say they’re very socially aware.

The U.S. Women’s National Team (USWNT) took a knee for Black Lives Matter before their Olympic matchup against Sweden on Tuesday, and they basically stayed down for the rest of the game, losing to the Swedes by a score of 3-0.

The U.S. sports equivalent of a 3-0 loss in soccer is probably somewhere in the neighborhood of a 45-0 blowout in football or a 10-0 loss in baseball. So, needless to say, this is bad, real bad.

(Getty Images)

This is a pretty accurate display of how the day went for the U.S. women.

(Kevin C. Cox/Getty Images)

Interestingly, the USWNT is not the only woke U.S. sports team to faceplant during Olympic or pre-Olympic competition. The U.S. Men’s Basketball Team, many of whom took a knee of proudly displayed social justice messaging on their uniforms over the last year, took two stunning losses to Nigeria and Australia before somewhat righting the ship.

So, given that pattern of wokeness leading to defeat, maybe it’s time to get off your knees and play ball.