Former State Senator Elbert Lee Guillory released a video on social media condemning the violence that erupted last week at UC Berkeley, gaining over 1 million views and almost 35,000 shares on Facebook in a day.

Guillory, who served in the Lousiana state Senate from 2009 to 2016, condemned the “anti-fascist” activists that violently derailed a scheduled MILO event at UC Berkeley last week.

“In 1964, that campus was the birthplace of the free speech movement. Those days are gone. On the first of February, the students of Berkeley broke out into a full-fledged riot, to stop the speech of Milo Yiannopoulos, who was an invited guest to the campus,” Guillory said in the video. “These delinquents broke windows, set fires, physically assaulted others students who were in line waiting to hear the speech of MILO, a 33-year-old, openly gay, Jewish journalist. An immigrant.”

Guillory also referenced the violent protest against VICE co-founder Gavin McInnes speaking last week at NYU, which resulted in four arrests.

“These protesters have convinced themselves that they are anti-fascist. In fact, the word ‘fascism’ is being thrown around quite a bit these days,” he continued. “But who is really acting like fascists? Who is silencing political speech, physically attacking those with divergent views, demanding that every American share one single ideology?”

“But sadly, the real truth is that these violent agitators have little idea about why they march. Theirs is a movement with no cause, a temper tantrum with no purpose. They are a generation lost in space, children being led around like cattle by a corrupted media infrastructure, the propaganda arm of the Party of Disappointment,” Guillory claimed, referring to the Democrat party.

Guillory closed by highlighting the anti-establishment movement for “personal freedom… for liberty, for men and women to choose their own destiny” that is sweeping America and countries around the world, arguing: “And if you had stayed to listen to Milo or Gavin, you may have heard this powerful message. You may even have agreed with some of it.”

“But you were too busy acting like fascists,” he concluded.