A student at the University of Wisconsin, Green Bay, is facing a severe backlash after conducting research into faculty bias at her institution.

Jessica Murphy, a 20-year-old student, is facing a serious backlash after doing research into faculty bias at the University of Wisconsin, Green Bay. Murphy’s research was published on MacIver Institute in an article titled, “Top Five Wasteful Classes in the UW System,” which revealed courses that were overwhelmingly partisan, strange, and unnecessary.

Courses on the list included “Exploring White Privilege,” “The History and Politics of Rap,” “Class, State, and Ideology: An Introduction to Social Science in the Marxist Tradition.”

On Tuesday, UW-Green Bay Professor Sarah LaChance Adams, whose course on social justice made Murphy’s list, shared the article on her Facebook page.

“One of the main goals of the course is for students to reflect on their privilege and marginalization,” Murphy wrote on Adams’ course. “Students also review how meritocracy – and the American Dream – is a myth. Why work hard to achieve your dreams if you can blame sex/race/class/sexuality for your lack of success?”

One commenter claimed that she would punch the student in the face for Adams. “I could punch her in the face for you. I can be an academic and respect my upbringing from the barrio,” she wrote.

According to the College Fix, Professor Adams liked the comment that called for Murphy to be punched in the face.

“I am not concerned for my life, but why would you resort to violence when I am just trying to be open with my ideas,” Murphy said in response to the comment thread. “A lot of these comments are very visceral responses, but that is very typical of the left.”

Tom Ciccotta is a libertarian who writes about economics and higher education for Breitbart News. You can follow him on Twitter @tciccotta or email him at tciccotta@breitbart.com