Ann Coulter called for mandating First Amendment protections to speech and expression across social media companies, offering her remarks in a Wednesday interview on C-SPAN’s Washington Journal with John McArdle.

“We are facing a crisis in free speech, right now,” said Coulter. “The left has control of the mainstream media, Hollywood, Wall Street, Silicon Valley, the schools k through 12, [and] the universities.”

Watch her comments below.

Coulter described left-wing technology firms’ efforts to censor political speech: “All the social media companies [want to shut down] the one place you can actually go to get the facts [which] are these tiny little corners of the internet.”

Coulter recommended implementation of First Amendment standards to protect speech and expression on social media:

We need to apply the First Amendment to social media companies like Twitter, Facebook, and Google, because it is a public square, and there is precedent for that and it’s gotta be done, because this is really terrifying, and talk about chilling speech when they’re just throwing people off right and left.

Everything that liberals fantasized Joe McCarthy was doing is being done, now. We’re throwing you off Twitter — or out of the White House — because you once went to a meeting with someone who said something online and he also published someone on the same web page which we find offensive. It is such a guilt-by-association. I’ve never seen anything like it in my lifetime.

Coulter’s latest book, Resistance Is Futile!: How the Trump-Hating Left Lost Its Collective Mind, was released on Tuesday.

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