An 85-page briefing entitled “The Good Censor”, exclusively leaked to Breitbart News from within Google, acknowledges that Breitbart News is the leader in conversations around free speech.

The document acknowledges that tech platforms including Google have shifted towards censorship in recent years, moving away from their original commitment to the American tradition of free speech. It can be read in full below.

Responding to the leak, an official Google source said the document should be considered internal research, and not an official company position.

While branding free speech on the web a “utopian principle,” the briefing acknowledges that concerns about free speech are growing, particularly in the United States, due to the country’s first amendment culture.

Page 11 of the briefing also singles out Breitbart News as the number-one destination for content focusing on the issue of free speech, with establishment broadcasters CNN and NBC languishing in last place.

On page 14, the briefing admits that free speech was “instilled in the DNA of Silicon Valley startups” that now “control the majority of online conversations.”

Despite this initial promise, the briefing later acknowledges that these companies have reneged on it, and shifted towards censorship.

Read The Good Censor in full below. Alternative download option available here.

The Good Censor – GOOGLE LEAK by on Scribd

Allum Bokhari is the senior technology correspondent at Breitbart News. You can follow him on and add him on Facebook. Email tips and suggestions to