The University of Washington Associated Students organization declared in a recent resolution that asking students to obtain a doctor’s note when they are absent is racist.

According to a report by Campus Reform, the Associated Students organization of the University of Washington claimed in a recently passed resolution that requiring students to obtain a doctor’s note when they are absent from class is discriminatory against “minority students” and “DACA” students.

The Associated Students of the University of Washington is one of the two student government bodies at the University of Washington. The body passed a resolution on November 7 that argued that requiring students to provide a doctor’s note when they are absent from class is racist. Student government members voted 49-0 in favor of the resolution.

The resolution states that “requiring students to procure and submit medical excuse notes significantly disadvantages students from marginalized communities who are less likely to be adequately insured (low income students, Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA) students, minority students, etc.).”

Brietbart News reported earlier this month that the University of Washington revoked university recognition from the campus’ College Republicans chapter. The university caved to pressure after student activists encouraged the University of Washington to cut ties with the College Republicans.

Stay tuned to Breitbart News for more campus updates.